From Mannerly Puppy to AKC Senior Hunter

Sunday, July 31, 2022

7-31-22 FC W2, D8, More Sits for Ruth (52 this morning), 18 Sits this afternoon and PROGRESS!

1st training session (12 Sits)  

 2nd training session (26 Sits)  

 3rd training session (14 Sits)


4th training session, another 18 Sits and PROGRESS!

Saturday, July 30, 2022

FC W2, Day 7, Ruth attempting mock Tunnel of Love


7-29-2022 Ruth's FC W2, D6, PIGS@@#!@ and lambs and goats, oh my!


Redd charged those PIGS. What a stupid thing to do. So, I opted to work her AGAINST those pigs. She had surgery only 1 week ago, so I had to train without any BIG LL corrections. What a training session!


 Then I worked Ruth. She did NOT charge those PIGS, but she had a hissie fit at me working her towards those PIGS. Earned her first "OUT!" for her inappropriate behavior.


 Then I worked Ruth against the lamb and goats in VERY tight quarters.
Many, many hours later, we did this training session. Still no comprehension in Ruth reading my mechanics and understanding what to do. So, I came up with this unusual approach as Ruth does know how to 'target' a Place Board and do a Sit.It worked-:0 Finally, a way to help her succeed as her Sit muscle memory is acquired.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

FC W2, D 5 for Ruth.

Since Ruth is a spectator to ALL of this morning's training, I include that here as part of her continuing education and learning.

This is Week 5 material, the fix for the flared Sit  

 The first training session is rough as Ruth isn't sure, AT ALL, about the KISS Sit Correction.

Pack Run

then Cavallities Of course, Ruth 'found' Kara's db and so we did a smidge of play retrieve with it there at the truck.
After that training session, we headed to the Monroe Lions Park as they have an elevated concreate stage, under cover, which I particulary like using for training a learning dog. Heeling and KISS Sit Corrections, Take 2 And many, many hours later, we did Heeling and Kiss Sit Corrections, Take 3. The mechanics haven't registered yet with Ruth. Tomorrow is another day.

FC Week 2, Day 5 (for Ruth) The 'KISS" Sit Correction begins

Link to W2, Day 5 The 'KISS' Sit Correction 

Link to Refresher video on Halt Mechanics to AS

7-27-2022 FC W2, Day 4 Good day in class obedience class today.

There are multiple videos of today's Week 5 obedience class. Also, Ruth was 'the distraction' for a Lesson 7, Part 2 HOLD EXAM with student Loni/Shadow her GSD. Yup, Ruth WAS my Demo Dog. She did great!

>The HOLD and a Pass! ================================================================

Well, here we are at Week 5! This will be a very interesting week for sure. Today I met with Roxanne and Loni. They talked about and demonstrated what Week 5 entails.

Loni and Shadow are a great team. They demonstrated what the Vickster’s test looks like. Then there’s little Ruth. She was an incredible demo dog today. She even did things that she have not been introduced to at this point in her training.

Great way to kick off Week 5!

Here are the videos I took in class yesterday.

The Stand for EXAM practice Roxanne shows a different way to stabilize dog with shaky Stand

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

7-25-2022 "Our first trip to pond for water work with Roxanne’s dogs. What I learned." by Kim, owner of Decker Rat Terrier, Kara

Here is 17 week old Ruth doing what she was bred to do. Going out getting that bird/bumper and bringing it back. Such a natural act for her. Such a strong swimmer! She does not have any of the training polish but, she knows what she is suppose to do! It is fun and she obviously loves it.
Here is Kara before her big plunge. Just wading at the edges. So to see if she would jump in Roxanne sent Ruth out farther and I threw bumper close. Kara launched like a champ and sunk like a ROCK! She did not just bobb up paddeling. Seconds passed, I say where is my dog! I'm heading towards water going to go in after her. She bobs up, starts paddleing towards the far shore. We call her she turns and comes to us. She did not want to go after bumpers in the water after that, she just waded and played on shore. So I don't know if she is going to be water shy from now on or if I can be worked with and made comfortable with deep water. I wish I had handed Chonnie my phone for a first swim video but I had not. All the mechanics that we are learning in the RC I saw put into action when Roxanne worked Pre and Boaz in the water. She used heal of course. Boaz came out of truck to almost heal position, to far forward excited, wining. She used comand MOVE, to get him to back up into heal position. He was too excited and would not calm down so PLACE back into truck. After several tries he would not calm down and mind so he got time out in truck and she worked Pre instead. It was my first time seeing a well trained working retriever in action in the water. She was amazing! The taking directions from middle of pond, the one whistle, which for us is the sit, in the advanced form is check in for directions on the retrieve. So all the things we are learning now SWING,the SSIF, SIDE, all are used in this practical application.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

7-26-22 FC W2, D3, Ruth LL (HIGH distractions) + Week 2 heeling



 Then time for Scrambled Heeling  

                                      Ruth, AKA 'Pigpen'

Gave Ruth several hours to sleep off the morning training session, then did some lovely defrosted, stinky dead duck marks.

I know that duck is up there!

BUT I can smell that duck!