From Mannerly Puppy to AKC Senior Hunter

8-21-22 Week 4 EXAM. Nate/Fran


1 comment:

Roxanne Lee said...

Pass. Well done. Fran is BEAUTIFUL!


Your Right Turn you are still bringing your heels together. That mechanic will cost you points in the AKC obedience trials.

On the Halt mechanics, almost perfect. You are forgetting the Step 2 which is that small 1/2 stride forward with the left foot, then close with the right foot.

When you do a Return to Your Dog, that is coming up behind them, step into Heel position (left pant seam in line with dog's right shoulder) with the RIGHT foot which keeps a dog in a Stay. You will so need that mechanic in the AKC obedience ring.

Onward to Week 5!