-10-2020 The strangest Mothers Day I can ever remember with the virus lockdown still in place. So odd.
Anyway, today's video's are a refresher for everyone.
- Some of you have mastered the Steps 1-3 of the Halt Mechanics,
- Some of you are struggling to become more polished in the Steps 1-3 of the Halt Mechanics, some of you,
- Some of you don't understand how to do the Steps 1-3 of the Halt Mechanics
These 4 video's will help each of you practice doing the Steps 1-3 of the Halt Mechanics to AS, the 'KISS' and Sit Correction, plus the necessity of having the 'J' loop of the leash hitting below your left knee while heeling.
*EVERY other exercise comes off the Sit. Your dog needs EVERY extra bit of help to understand what/how/when to do the Sit correctly. You need to practice with Fido the 'Steps 1-3 of the Halt Mechanics to AS, the 'KISS' and Sit Correction, plus the necessity of having the 'J' loop of the leash hitting below your left knee while heeling.' until you can do it automatically without a leash, without a dog and without hesitation. Week 3 is a full week (and I won't be extending it to 2 weeks), Week 4 AKA "Hell Week" is coming, then the critical Week 5 (two EXAMS that indicate if the dog/handler are ready for off-leash), then the 'magic' of Week 6. These weeks, these lessons through Week 6 comprise my Loose Leash Heeling Course.
Going on to Weeks 7-10, the off-leash training is 100% dependent on successfully passing the two EXAMS of Week 5. And everything in the two Week 3 EXAMs, the Week 4 "Hell Week" EXAM and the two EXAMS of Week 5 ALL hinge on the Halt mechanics to AS, the 'KISS' to Sit correction .
So, as kindly as I know how to state plainly, "FIX your Halt mechanics to AS, to 'KISS' to Sit Correction now. You'll so need it as we go forward."
Here are today's refresher video's.
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