From Mannerly Puppy to AKC Senior Hunter

HOMEWORK Week 1, Day 1

For students with young dogs that have passed the Mannerly Puppy EXAM and done successfully at least a week of ILL, then Week 1, Day 1 should be medium to HIGH distraction levels. A young dog at this level should have already been worked doing ILL against medium to HIGH distraction levels and is ready for the more advanced distractions.


"Yesterday was our Week 1 training session. We started with Roxanne explaining the purpose of distractions and how important it is for Molly to make the right choice. If she chooses incorrectly, she gets a correction! It’s a lot of info to process and then put into action but it is so very helpful to get a clear picture of what is going on in the training. 

Molly and I have been practicing on the Longe line all week but as you can see in our first go at it, it’s still a bit of a challenge!

Then Jessi took a turn working Molly. Jessi is great at handling her. It helped me to see how it’s done correctly.

Then it was my turn again. It went a little better. I think we’re both catching on! Molly was one tired little dog by the time we finished. "

=========================================================================================== And Ruth's afternoon session. She had to work in my obedience classes Mock Conformation Ring mechanics (the Moving/Signal Stand) AND Week 4 Scrambled Heeling

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