From Mannerly Puppy to AKC Senior Hunter

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

8-30-22 FC W 6 EXAM with Ruth. Yup, she passed

Working in Social (Jessi and her two dogs) and Defense (the STRANGE NEW CRITTER - WHAT IS IT?) the cat.


 Working in Social against people, dogs, planted food and a tossed toy too.  

 Working in the field against Social Link to field Recall and increased distance Recalls


 Working in Prey against planted dead ducks. Then Recalls, Stays and etc.


8-289-22 Working on Recalls with Ruth

Thursday, August 25, 2022

FC Week 5 EXAM # 2: String Test

I have uploaded the Week 5 Pop Quiz as well as Ruth's Week 5 Pop Quiz test. Take this Pop Quiz once you pass the Week 5 EXAM # 1: Vickster's Test

 I have also uploaded the Week 5 EXAM # 2: String Test pages (there are 3 pages of instructions).  And Ruth AMAZED me this afternoon as we attempted her first String Test. That is now uploaded-:) She did AWESOME!!!


NO WAY!!!! But tis true. Ruth is the FIRST and ONLY dog, EVER, to pass BOTH the Vickster's Test AND String Test on her first efforts.

I did not expect Ruth to pass this EXAM on her first effort. 

BUT WATCH and see for yourself what she did. Man, her check-ins are stellar, she is careful about maintaining her Heel position at all times, and her AS's are solid. 



Week 5 Pop Quiz

Link to Week 5 Pop Quiz.  

8-24-22 FC W5, Pop Quiz. Ruth excels at her Stays!


W5 VT Fran

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

8-24-22 FC Week 5 EXAM # 1: Vickster's Test with Ruth


8-23-22 The ONLY FC work I got done with Ruth yesterday.


She was T.O.A.S.T. after this HHPR. The water was NOT deep, but it was sticky mud,

and the dogs wore themselves out going into that mud.

Homeward bound. 


Whew, STINKY mud, dogs were black on their legs and bellies.  Time for bathes and "Place" until dogs are dry again.


And Ruth?  She slept the rest of the day. I did NOT get any more work out of her yesterday.


Sunday, August 21, 2022

8-21-22 Week 5 has begun for Ruth


Had to find a way to help Ruth learn that my Halt = her butt on ground now. Today was a tough day. Here was my solution:

Thursday, August 18, 2022

8-18-2022 Mock Week 4 EXAM practice

 Ruth is off the steroids twice a day and down to once a day. Her bowel movements are much better, but the steroids cause her to have NO bladder control.  What a merry go round this is.

Anyway, I simply took her swimming this morning, that's it. She was exhausted so I let her snooze for several hours. 

We attempted to do the Week 4 EXAM.  Not good as she's 'off' still and later threw up. Sigh. What a merry go round this is right now.

Anyways, here's our efforts this afternoon.


 Tomorrow is another day.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

8-17-2022 FC W4, D3 for Ruth.

Today is the 2-year anniversary of us seeing this home at 10 am, for the first time, and signing closing documents at 11 am. Two years. Wow, time flies.

We had an INSANELY EXCELLENT & EXHAUSTING Pack Run this morning.  

