From Mannerly Puppy to AKC Senior Hunter

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

7-19-2022 FC Week 1, Day 2 with Ruth (some INSANELY HIGH distractions)



 Cool Down


 An after 45 minutes, it was time for the next training session Warm up Stays

LL in ridiculously HIGH distractions. Ruth's first time on chain collar, BIG difference from flat buckle collar.


 And LL Take 2  

 Cool Down and loading dogs  

 And then, 60 minutes later, after watching Boaz and Redd do some water retrieves, it was Ruth's turn. Hahahaha! Ruth was persistent, but the bumper was in a weird position in heavy cover.  

 So, we redid water marks in open cover and easy for Ruth to see and succeed, which she did exceedingly well!


Roxanne Lee said...

And Ruth has slept the rest of today-:)

Roxanne Lee said...

And Ruth slept the rest of today-:) It was a BIG morning for her!

Roxanne Lee said...

Quite the intense training session today, the 2nd LL of this morning.