From Mannerly Puppy to AKC Senior Hunter

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Fran w5 string test


Roxanne Lee said...

Love the firing range in the background. Great distraction for Fran.

Heeling is lovely. When she is wide, do you know how to do the forward right diagonal step? That trains a dog to suck INTO Heel position and you will so need that for Week 7. Recommend you do so with Fran till she can 'read' that mechanic.

All is good, except the Stand/Stay.

You were to do two Stays. One 1-minute Sit/Stay and one 1-minute Stand/Stay. Your first Sit/Stay was 28 seconds. Your Stand/Stay was 41 seconds. Your second Sit/Stay was 1:58 seconds. So you are good on the Sit/Stay but your Stand/Stay was short. Please fix that and video tape simply doing the Stand/Stay, on the string, for 60 seconds (or longer) and post.

Then you are good to go onto Week 6.

Love how careful you are to NOT let her give you a poor position AS and correct her by turning her before her butt hits the ground. Good work. BTW, that mechanic is called the 'Swing' and although she doesn't know that command, you can certainly use it as you do this type of turn and imprint that command with that mechanic. You'll need it for the field work as well as for Rally titles

Anonymous said...

Got it and thank you!!!