From Mannerly Puppy to AKC Senior Hunter

Friday, September 16, 2022

Fran w7 test

1 comment:

Roxanne Lee said...

Took me some time to review this video and document carefully what I'm seeing.

Overall, good, but you are making some really consistent errors that will cost you in AKC obedience points as well as in the field. Here's what I observed.

1) At .56 seconds, the first Halt, your 3-step Halt mechanics were bass akwards (official dog training term). Your last step was with your RIGHT foot and you closed with your left foot. This is bass akwards as that is how you teach a Signal or Moving Stand. When you Halt, your final step is to be with the LEFT foot stationary and the right foot closes. WHY? Because when you move your left foot you are communicating to the learning dog to "Go" which absolutely is NOT what you want on a Halt/AS. Plant the LEFT foot and close with the right foot on a HALT/AS. You did the HALT mechanics correct on the 2nd AS at second count 1:16.
2) At 1.29 seconds, and it's really hard to see clearly despite a BIG screen, but I couldn't see if you did the left hand, palm up to the sky, back of left hand on the leash just below the snap bolt on the DOWN? That is the way to do the DOWN hand signal.
3) At second count 2:05, on the Return to Your Dog, you footwork is bass akwards. When you come up behind a dog, you need to step INTO Heel position with your RIGHT foot, not your left foot. WHY? To stabilize a green dog to maintain the last "Stay" command given. You are training a green dog to mistrust your footwork doing what you are doing. You are quite consistent as you made this same error at second count 4:40 and 6:56. PLEASE fix this as you're going to need consistent and precise footwork to successfully compete. Takes some practice but you'll get used to it.
4) WHY ARE YOU HEELING WITH A BENT LEFT ARM? That is going to become a serious issue in field work. Instead, Heel with both arms down in natural walking position. Sure makes life easier as you get into advanced training.
5) SIDESTEPS, here, there and everywhere. At second counts 2:26, 3:28, 3:51, 5:21 and 6:16. What you are doing, unconsciously, is attempting to close the distance on the AS when Fran is to far away. What you are actually doing is training her to mistrust your feet, training her to move AWAY from you, and training her that you will take responsibility for her incorrect Heel position. Please cease the Sidesteps which is a handler crutch used for a dog that hasn't learned to the correct Heel position. It will kill you in competition if you continue to do this Sidestepping. Stop it.
6) Recall - Use your Front n Finish device to train her to come into proper SSIF. Try NOT to move at all until she's where she should be in SSIF.

Overall, good, but the above are beginner errors. While it doesn't matter one whit for a pet dog, it matters a GREAT deal for a competition dog. Your RAT is good, you are doing Left U-Turn AKA 'Swing' instead of sharp 90 degree Left Turns, and your RT's look good.

Hope that helps. Just more precision things for you to work on as the handler-:)