From Mannerly Puppy to AKC Senior Hunter

Saturday, July 2, 2022

This past week's working videos. Demo dog for obedience class + Moving Sit which will become Random Sit which morphs into Whistle Sit (in time)


Ruth goes to one of my obedience classes. Like all my other personal puppies, at 13-14 weeks old, they are my Demo Dog for basic heeling. These videos were her first time ever doing this work. Sometimes it helps my students to observe what the training looks like with a totally untrained dog. Ruth certainly qualifies as 'totally untrained' for these exercises. Ruth then does Right Turn to AS (Auto Sit) Finally, Ruth demo's all of the Week 2 material. ========================================================================================================================================= Here's revisiting teaching the Moving Sit The Moving Sit eventually becomes the Whistle Sit To transition from Moving Sit to Random Sit, use a Place Board as a 'target' to help learning dog understand And an adult dog, Kara, finally connects the mental dots to grasp the Random Sit means NOW

1 comment:

Roxanne Lee said...

Ruth as 'Demo Dog' for FC Week 2 example. The Moving Sit transitions to Random Sit which will, in time, morph into the Whistle Sit.